ATTENTION: Effective June 5th, 2023, EMD is utilizing a new and improved online payment system. To make online payments and access other services, ALL USERS must register using the link provided below.

EMD Home > On-Line Payments

On-Line Payments

Payment options

EMD has the ability to accept your payment with any of these credit cards, or through an electronic funds transfer (electronic check.) On-line transactions are subject to a service fee. Before completing the transaction the amount of payment and the service convenience fee will be confirmed. You will have the option NOT to complete the transaction at that time.

Grant Street Group logo

Please note: The service fee is not a Sacramento County fee. It is retained by the Service Bureau (Grant Street Group). It will be an additional charge showing on your next credit card or bank statement.

To make a payment or access other services, REGISTER and access our payment website here:

A payment can no longer be made without an issued account number (AR Number). For assistance on the registration process, please refer to our step-by-step user guide.

If additional assistance is needed, please contact us at 916-875-8440.